As the 2011 year begins, I am reminded of all my successes and failures in my life at the age of 28. 2010 was a year of life changing and eye opening events. Previous to last year, I had always feared what I wanted most, to "Live My Dreams!" I don't want to "Chase My Dreams" because that could mean I potentially could never catch them. Instead, I want to "Live My Dreams" each and every day. That's what this blog is about and why I decided to write it.
When we were young, it was okay to dream to be an Astronaut, a pro athlete, or a famous movie star. Why isn't it okay to still have those dreams? I know just the answer! I was told this answer many times in my life by others who just really aren't fulfilled in their lives. That answer you might have also heard is the "Real World." In the "Real World" dreams don't come true. You work as hard as you can and as much as you can to make the mighty dollar. It doesn't matter if you hate your job, spend less time with your family, and have health related stress because of it. It doesn't matter if your relationships suffer, you feel disconnected from friends, and are too busy to spend time with your children. In the "Real World" life is not about enjoyment. Life is about hard work so you can provide for your family, invest in your 401k, and retire at age 65. Now although I am not discrediting the importance of financial planning, making a steady income, and other "Real World" ideas. I am just stating these aren't as important as you were lead to believe they are. Maybe it's not worth it to sacrifice your health, your relationships, and your time. It's really up to you to decide.
A good amount of people who are close to me unfortunately live in the "Real World" which I alternatively call "Hell." When did you buy into this "Real World" mentality. Was this your life lesson from your parents? Teachers? Friends? Religious leaders? No matter what your answer, I can tell you that someone else put those ideas into your head. I've lived in the "Real World" for 27 years.
I can't tell you how good it is to escape Hell! Does this mean when you're out of the "Real World" that you are somehow careless, irresponsible, a pipe dreamer, or a lunatic? The answer my friends is no! Are there people out there that are completely delusional? Clearly! I don't consider myself to be delusional, but I've sure had my share of problems like anyone else. It's really just a matter of perspective of how you see the world. Which world do you want to live in? Either way, your perception creates your reality. If you are not happy in your life, I encourage you to reflect deep in your heart and ask yourself why you were put on this earth. When you receive the answer, do not fear it if it seems impossible. Use the fear to propel you forward!
If you are a believer in god (in some form) like I am, you might be familiar with the biblical verse "Through god all things are possible." If you believe this is true, what does that leave out? The answer my friends is NOTHING! Having faith and following the road less traveled is what believing in god is all about. Do you think god wants you to live to your full potential? Do you think the passion in your heart is from god or from evil? If your answer is that your gifts and passions are from god, the next question is why were they given to you?
I've rambled enough about this subject. If you're ready to give up living in the "Real World" and come join the rest of us in the "Through god all things are possible" world, please follow this blog. I will be discussing the mental struggles I face, the goals I have, the setbacks I've had, and how I'm learning to overcome them. I will be experimenting on my physical body, my health, my financial situation, the pursuit of my dream career, and everyday life fulfillment. Join me won't you? Let's experience this great journey of life together. God's biggest gift to us all is life itself. It is our own free will to decide what to do with it. God Bless you all each and every day. I will be back to blog tomorrow to tell you about myself and my life changing events that took place in 2010. Thank you very much for reading.
"Live Your Dreams Today" - Johnny Flynn
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